It has come to our notice that some female clients on our platform who solicit the services of male escorts inter-state have formed the habit of booking an escort from their location and backing out of the transaction without cause.

As an agency that pairs and links female clients to male escorts, we stipulated as a rule that whenever a client indicates interest in an escort's service(s) especially inter-state, they MUST have to provide financial incentive in the form of transportation for the escort to reach the client in her location.

Inasmuch as some of the clients adhere to this guideline, it has also come to our notice that some times after the client has sent transport incentive and the male escort gets to her location, the number of the client becomes either unavailable, busy or switched off!

This will put the escort in a dire situation where he would be stranded with unavailability of funds to come back!

Because of this ugly development, we are putting a change to our pay-for-service rules as follows...

When a client sees an escort on this platform and indicates interest, the client must pay for the following:

1. The full transportation cost that will cover the trip from the location of the escort to that of the client and back!

2. 50% of the agreed stipulated rates for the service which is to be rendered...

The transportation for getting to the destination of the client will be forwarded to the escort while the 50% service charge and the transportation back will be held by us.

If the meetup is successful after verification by us, the client is mandated to pay the escort the remaining 50% while we will handover the remaining 50% and the cost of transportation back to the escort's base to the escort via bank transfer.

In the event that the client fails to show up or make herself available, the 50% service charge will be paid to the escort as compensation and will NOT BE REFUNDED BACK TO THE CLIENT!

This new policy is to ensure that our escorts are not disappointed or stranded when they get to the destination of the client and payment of the 50% is for compensation purposes.

We NaijaXrated are poised to serve you better.

Thanks for your cooperation!


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  1. Nice job admin. I was a victim of this. Client called me to come to Owerri only for her number to be switched off.


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