Hello Escorts and Seekers...
This is to inform you that we are now on WhatsApp.
This is to enable you reach us seamlessly irrespective of whether our phone line are on or unavailable.
If you have any requests, enquiry or complaints, just drop a message on our WhatsApp and someone will respond.
Our WhatsApp number is 08102333121
Line is open from 8:40am till 6:00pm on week days and 9:00am till 4:00pm on Saturdays)
Our online form and mailing systems are open 24/7.
DISCLAIMER: Most of the videos and images on this blog are user submitted. If you see a leaked video here that invades your privacy or has to do with YOU PERSONALLY, please notify us by sending a quick message using the form below or send an email to naijaxrated@gmail.com and we will remove the content!
Do not spam or paste links to your website or blogs here cos we will remove them.
If you want to advertise your website, then send a mail to the admin on naijaxrated@gmail.com.